Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Business

    Scenarios are used by governments, scientists, economists and more to depict possible future

    developments, in order to address long-term problems and to plan for the future in an uncertain
    world. Markets and global society will be shaped by serious global environmental factors such as:
    fresh water shortage, air pollution, waste, land-use, climate change…
    For this individual project you are requested to project yourself into the future – year 2053 and
    develop a scenario for a sustainable business that is responsive and adapted to a resource
    constrained economy and that operates within a harsh environmental limitation. The aim is to come
    up with a plausible and ‘innovative’ solution to how your business idea is going to meet the
    challenges of a sustainable business in 2053. As a starting point you should base your scenario on Germany car industry. Once a ‘backdrop’ has been established – you will use ‘bluesky’ thinking

    to imagine and develop your business idea/s to address the situation that the
    environmental limitation(s) are causing 40 years ahead in 2053. you should
    explore and refine sustainability strategies in terms of innovation, effectiveness, value creation,
    competitive advantage and business feasibility under future market conditions and overall
    sustainability fully documenting the process throughout the project.


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