Meeting Leadership Social and Cultural challenges

    The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to begin structuring the flow of your Professional Development project and to present your scholarly resources in a meaningful way. Each main point that you present in your research project must be supported by scholarly research and/or other sources, so this assignment allows you to show how you are connecting your ideas to the research.
    Please follow the outline below to complete the assignment. This template allows you to follow the Professional Development project guidelines. Insert a brief summary of your thoughts and ideas for each section and include a citation for each resource. The citation must be in APA format and include the permalink from the online library resources.
    Remember that you must have a minimum of 6 scholarly (peer reviewed) journal articles and 4 leadership/communication resources (books, credible websites, case studies, etc.)
    1. Introduction of the Interpersonal Challenge:
    a. Define a brief overview of your topic clearly linking it to the field of SI and leadership
    b. Why is the topic relevant to your career field?
    2. Impact of the Interpersonal Challenge:
    a. Clearly define the current impact of the challenge
    b. Clearly define the long term impact of the challenge
    3. Results of the research:
    a. What foundational leadership or SI principles, models and/or theories should be considered when evaluating this problem?
    b. What are the results of relevant research studies on this topic?
    4. Recommended Strategies:
    a. Based on the research, present 3 strategies and/or solutions for this challenge

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