Medication management review – pharmacy student

    1. GP Letter summarising the key findings of the report, (maximum of 2 pages and 1000 words)
    2. MMR report (Maximum word limit of 3000 words), not included list of references or material transcripted from patient file, chart or laboratory results;
    A medication review may be defined as the systematic, comprehensive review of a patient‟s medication regimen on a continuing basis with a view to optimising therapeutic outcomes.
    To conduct an MMR, the pharmacist works in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team and the patient to collate detailed information about the patient‟s medication use and provides the appropriate advice and information to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes for the patient while maintaining quality and safe use of medicines principles (QSUM).

    This task is used to assess the students ability to:

    Use a systematic approach to access and review the consumer medication records or notes, identifying changes to therapies, patterns of usage and adherence, previous allergies, adverse effects and drug interactions.
    Identify and justify the need for any additional information that needs to be obtained from the consumer/carer, prescriber or other health professionals
    Identify why particular medications may/may not have been prescribed for a specific consumer
    Consider consumer, drug and dosage form factors likely to impact on the efficacy or safety of treatment
    Identify clinically significant potential or actual drug related problems likely to be associated with use of the prescribed medicines
    Identify factors likely to adversely affect adherence to the intended treatment
    Liaise with the prescriber regarding suggested changes in therapy to resolve or minimise issues likely to adversely impact on patient health or compliance
    This task helps prepare the student to meet the following Domains of the Competency Standards for Pharmacists in Australia

    Domain 4 – Review and supply prescribed medicines
    Domain 6 Deliver Primary and preventative Healthcare
    Domain 7 – Promote and Contribute to Optimal use of medicines
    Students are required to submit typewritten assignments. You are requested to use clear fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri or Cambria (font size 12) with a minimum spacing of 1.5.

    Marks are allocated on the entire MMR sections, i.e.

    Table of recommendations,
    A GP letter detailing your findings,
    Correct evidence based references (minimum of FIVE journal articles, i.e. other than text books or e-database e.g. MIMS or AMH),
    Patient demographics,
    Patient medical and medication history,
    Laboratory results, etc
    and any other required supporting evidence
    You must de-identify the patient, any carer and the doctor to ensure patient confidentiality.

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