Media and Culture

    1. Create your own newspaper or magazine or radio program.

    2. Analyze (according to my choice which would be MAGAZINE) magazines to understand how they are created to find your own style.

    a) Give it a name.
    b) Introduce the media (half a page minimum)
    c) Create sections (not necessary to provide with content but at least explain what each section is about and name them.
    d) Look for references. Search for audio and visual (video or images) examples from real media that would be similar to your proposition.
    e) If you choose a newspaper or magazine (which in my case is a magazine) decide if there’s going to be just an on-paper edition or just an online edition, or both, and explain why.
    f) Target. Explain; what type of audience is your proposition aimed at?
    g) If you have business or marketing subjects create a business plan and a hypothetical advertising campaign (not too extensive).
    h) Conclusions (why you think your product could be a success, useful, interesting, or add something fresh and new to the actual media landscape) (half a page)

    Objectives: Understand the commercial underpinnings of modern mass media. This assignment expects you (the student) to analyze how the current landscape of traditional ink-on-paper and sound media are working from a creative perspective.

    The above are the instructions given as to how to complete this paper. but i have a few specifications.

    1. Out of the three (newspaper, magazine, radio program) i would like mine to be a magazine. A magazine specifically about underground electronic music. Examples of magazines that are similar to what i’m looking for are: MixMag and Resident Advisor. They should give you a better idea as to what i’m looking for. Also please attach links to images and videos used.

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