Media analysis

    Media analysis

    This paper is for Education class – Teaching English Language Learners so please to double check your writing/ grammar. You will need to watch this short movie and then create an Observation chart ( analysis protocol) and lastly write a thoughtful response statement. There is a sample of protocol in the file i attached. 
    For the response statement, you need relate to 3 theoretical points, 3 supports from the movie, make connections (i attached some readings and ppt) and your point of view.
    The protocol should be 1-1.5 page. here is the movie you need to watch.
    here is the book you can make the connections to. Haynes, J. (2007). Getting started with English language learners: How educators can meet the challenges. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. ISBN 978-1-4166-0519-5

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