measuring device for gaining data from the real world

    measuring device for gaining data from the real world
    Investigate and critically assess a piece of laboratory apparatus for deriving experimental data, or, alternatively, any measuring device for gaining data from the real world

    Task 1
    Selection and description of the apparatus or measuring device
    The first part of Task 1 is to select a suitable piece of laboratory apparatus or measuring device. You should consider up to six different possible pieces of apparatus or measuring devices, and then you need to select one of these and describe why you decided on the particular apparatus or measuring device. The reason may be that you are, for example, aware that the apparatus or device is important in your field of engineering. In this case, your reason for selecting it will be connected with a discussion of its importance. You should expect to do background research on the variety of devices and this may include visiting a museum.
    You should prepare a written description of the apparatus or measuring device sufficient to allow the reader to understand the physical construction of the device, the data that it collects and the methodology which is needed in order to collect the data.

    Task 2 CAD Drawing of the experimental apparatus or measuring device
    You need to produce a 3D CAD model of the experimental apparatus or measuring device including top, front and side views and main dimensions. This should be provided at a suitable scale and should be appropriately labelled using annotations. The reader of the drawing should be able to work out all the technical detail of the device from the drawing.
    Task 3 Critical evaluation
    You need to give a critical evaluation of the construction and use of your chosen apparatus or measuring device including a discussion of any aspects you consider inadequate. You should provide suggestions to indicate improvements to the apparatus or device, including hand drawn sketches of your suggested improvements. These improvements may be concerned with efficiency, accuracy or power consumption, for example, or with materials used or sustainability. Good submissions are likely to include a mind map showing your thought processes.

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