Meantal Health

    Meantal Health
    1. Treatment of personality disorders is often difficult and unsuccessful. Why do you think this is?

    2. Dr. Lineman is the founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a treatment very effective for those with borderline personality disorder, which are a very tough population to treat. Post your comments.

    3. What was the most surprising part of the assigned reading of Bad Boys, Bad Men; Confronting Antisocial Personality Disorder? (Black, D.W. (1999). Bad Boys, Bad Men; Confronting Antisocial Personality Disorder. Oxford University Press; New York, New York. (ISBN 0-19-513783-3)
    4. Discuss some of the symptoms associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder and how they may be addressed in treatment

    5. Guns and background checks: You folks may have heard of the recent case where a woman was arrested in South Carolina for brandishing a gun, threatening to kill two of the administrators; luckily, the gun was locked and it did not fire. She had been arrested several years ago for making threatening statements about George Bush; she was going through airport security in a very slow line and yelled that she would kill Bush if the line did not move faster. She was arrested and examined by a psychiatrist who thought she was psychotic but basically harmless and he recommended she be treated as an outpatient. She recently acquired a gun, having passed the background check; the background check asks if you have ever been hospitalized for a mental illness or declared mentally defective by a court. She answered honestly that she had not been. She had been treated with antipsychotic medication as an outpatient. This is clearly an ethical dilemma for psychologists as well as a tricky matter of law. How far should the background check go? Should it ask whether you have ever been treated for a mental illness? That would make about 30% of the people in this country, who see a therapist for anxiety or depression subject to intrusion into their treatment records, a real invasion of privacy( what if there is a notation that you were very angry at your husband? would that mean that you are at higher risk? Clearly, you do not want to have untrained people surveying everyone’s treatment records. Remember that the vast majority of mentally ill never act violently (about 92% of them). What should a therapist be required to report and to whom? Should there be mandatory reporting, like in cases of suspected child abuse? And what is the threshold for reporting? How serious does a threatening statement have to be before a therapist reports? And, getting back to the background check, how do we know if a person is lying if they say they have never been treated for a mental illness. What do you think?





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