Marketing strategy via a tender that would in all likelihood be acceptable to a “real world” senior corporate executive as a means of creating a sale and thereby a loyal customer

    Drafting a B-to-B marketing strategy via a tender that would in all likelihood be acceptable to a “real world” senior corporate executive as a means of creating a sale and thereby a loyal customer. It should be of a high standard of business writing and presentation. It is assumed that this would be a new client.

    For the purposes of the assignment it is assumed that you are the marketing and tendering team representing one of the following products/ services from a well known brand in the industry. Your next project is to develop a full Tender Proposal to an ASX- listed Company. You can select one of the following products/services to form the basis of your proposal.

    Your Tender Proposal must be able to demonstrate how your product/service will achieve a strategic competitive advantage in the marketplace compared to your competitors. All organisations tendering for contracts must be able to demonstrate the following overall benefits as well as relevant product/service benefits:

    • value for money, open and fair competition, professional integrity, client service, management of risks, accountability, simplicity, local industry sourcing.

    • Assessment Criteria:
    The Written Report will be assessed using the following criteria:
    o Expression (spelling, syntax, grammar)
    o Description (accurate, coherent, unambiguous)
    o Argument (valid, logical, reasonable, powerful)
    o Relevance and Depth (with respect to each question)
    o Research(demonstration of effective use of relevant literature)

    Your team will need to conduct research to support your proposal. This means that your group will need to thoroughly investigate how to prepare a tender document both from a theoretical and a practical perspective.

    • Expectations in relation to the presentation of written work: All written work to be submitted in typed format on A4 white paper, using only one side of the sheet, 12pt Arial typeface, single-spaced. Assignment to be contained securely in a ring or clip binder.
    • Referencing: You must prepare and present all written work associated with your Assessment Tasks in accordance with the requirements of the Harvard Referencing System.
    • The ‘In-Text’ or Harvard method – Referencing is a system that allows you to acknowledge others’ contribution to your writing. Whenever you use ANY words, ideas or information from ANY source in your assignments, you must reference those sources. There are different ways of referencing. This write-up describes the Harvard method.

    • Assessment Criteria:
    The Written Report will be assessed using the following criteria:
    o Expression (spelling, syntax, grammar)
    o Description (accurate, coherent, unambiguous)
    o Argument (valid, logical, reasonable, powerful)
    o Relevance and Depth (with respect to each question)
    o Research(demonstration of effective use of relevant literature)

    My parts

    7. Our Relevant Experience (where the proposal focuses on company capability)
    Introduction – highlight relevant skills/expertise required
    Highlight problem solving examples
    Are we going to bear the cost of initial learning curve
    Provide details of previous jobs completed & referees

    3. Financial analysis, – The financial evaluation process provides a consistent framework within which to compare tender offers that vary in such critical factors as the timing of payment, contract price adjustment, foreign exchange exposure, initial purchase price and whole of life costs. The aim of financial analysis is to compare the value of each product over its expected useful life or services over the period of the contract using an appropriate Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) technique. The most common measures used are:
    • present value (PV) or net present value (NPV)
    • rate of return per annum
    • Payback period.
    • The financial analysis should be conducted separately from all other considerations, and include all matters which can be costed.


    Company chosen was Qantas
    We can do it on a management training services for Qantas airline, as there is a current management issue with the Qantas with all the job cuts and the staff morale is really low. So we can do it on a managerial service to Qantas and we can say that it will provide a great incentives for them in order to gain competitive advantage against virgin airline.

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