Marketing in the Operational Context: Conduct a macro environmental analysis (PESTLE) to highlight what changes are occurring Describe the market for the industry your company is in Custom Essay

    This assignment involves analysing your assigned company(Pizza hut) in terms of how it is dealing with major macro environmental changes.

    Your task is to:
    1 Conduct a macro environmental analysis (PESTLE) to highlight what changes are occurring
    Describe the market for the industry your company is in
    2 Conduct a customer analysis (who they are, their choice criteria, and an analysis of their purchasing process – why they make the decisions they make)
    3 Using the results of the PESTLE and customer analyses, conduct a SWOT analysis to highlight key issues and opportunities for change
    4 Consider how the changes will affect the company’s marketing and operations strategy and make recommendations on how to approach the marketing strategy in light of these analyses


    The report should be word processed, double spaced, and in Verdana 11 font.

    You should include a bibliography of sources; however, you must also use Harvard referencing in the text. ***Your sources must include a variety of references – you may not use Internet sources exclusively (at least two sources must not be from the Internet)

    The report should include an introduction and conclusion and be clearly structured. It should be written in the third person except for references to your own opinion in the SWOT analysis and in your concluding analysis and recommendations.

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