Market Selection and Foreign Entry Mode (slp)

    Market Selection and Foreign Entry Mode
    For your final SLP pretend that an American corporation hired you to write a report on whether or not they should enter the country that you have been researching for your Modules 1-3 SLP assignments. You have already done a lot of research on many of the cultural financial legal and political aspects of doing business in your country which you can use as part of your overall recommendation. However you also need to consider other factors such as the potential size of the market that your country has to offer. If your country has very few consumers then it will not be a wise decision to enter the country no matter how strong the legal or political system.
    One resource to use for your report is Michigan State Universitys Market Potential Index ( This index focuses mostly on various aspects of the size or growth of the consumer market in each country which should provide some valuable information in making your recommendation. But dont rely just on this index. Do some additional research on factors that you think make your country an attractive or unattractive market for an American company and use some of de Kluyvers (2012) guidelines on country selection as part of your paper.
    When you have finished your research write a 2- to 3-page paper with the following information:
    SLP Assignment Expectations

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