Market entry decisions of companies in the global setting

    Market entry decisions of companies in the global setting

    Type of assignment

    Case study

    Pages / words

    8 / 2200

    1-page summary


    Language style

    UK English

    Type of service

    Academic paper writing

    Academic level




    Paper format


    Line spacing


    Number of sources





    This individual coursework aims to enable the student to focus and gain a better understanding of decisions in international business environments taken by firms and responding to the challenges. To achieve this objective, students needs to balance theory and practical experience.

    The students should identify a company paying attention to the various challenges in international management (market entry, foreign direct investment options, and exportation strategies). The coursework can either focus on a multinational (MNE) perspective or a small and medium sized (SME) perspective. The students can analyse for instance how an MNE, SME or entrepreneur deals with the international business environment and makes decisions regarding market entry. When deciding on the topic, it is important to consider whether there is sufficient information in the public domain about the initiative and the associated issue.
    Each assignment should have the following sections:
    A critical description of the international business environment. This section should describe the decisions envisaged by the actors as to its aims, main components, and actors involved, along with some clarification of the issue to which it is being applied. Any links to associated relevant global issues should also be examined. The section is mainly assessed on the basis of the number and quality of sources used to describe the challenges, and associated links. It is therefore important to verify any information provided by the company through the review of alternative sources of data including reports by non-governmental organisations.
    Theory-based evaluation of the challenges. This section involves an evaluation of the international business environment based on the theoretical framework. The theoretical frameworks should be briefly explained and then evaluated as to its main strengths and criticisms. It should then be correctly applied to shed light on how the international business environment decisions succeed in meeting its objectives. The marks in this section are given for correct and insightful application of the theoretical framework.
    Comparison with another company/organisation. In this section the market entry decisions should be compared and contrasted with how another company has approached a similar issue. The purpose of the section is to evaluate company practice on the basis of competition. Marks will be allocated for thorough and astute analysis.
    A set of conclusions and recommendations. The final section should be based on the preceding analysis and provide a view on how successful the initiative has been and how to proceed with it in the future. The marking of the section will be based on the clarity and insightfulness of the arguments presented.
    It is important that your report should be balanced and impartial.
    Structure of the report: The structure of the report should include a 1 page executive summary (covering the main findings/conclusions and recommendations in the report); a table of contents (with page numbers); a brief introduction to the report; a description of the company initiative and issue to which it relates plus links to global initiatives; an explanation of relevant theories/concepts and application to initiative; a comparison with another company with examination of best practice; conclusions and recommendations; an alphabetical list of references cited in the main text; and appendices.
    The 2500 word limit (+/- 10%) does not include the executive summary, tables in the main text, references or appendices


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