manufacturing plng/control‏

    Select a manufacturing and service industry of your choice. This could be an existing business with which you already have an association, e.g. via your work, co-op placement, internship etc., or a business you would like to start up. Identify all the essential elements to run this business on a day to day basis, which is the essence of operations management covered in this course. Study and research every aspect of this business in as much detail as you possibly can. At a minimum, you need to cover the following aspects of the proposed business:

    Mission and Vision
    Location planning and analysis (critical issue for service industries)
    Identify supply chain
    Forecast sales
    In regards to the products being made: Choose equipment, skill set of the workers needed, process, control equipment
    Determine layout of the equipment – design of production and assembly lines
    Set productivity standards
    Investigate the need for appropriate licenses
    Waste management plan
    Policy on quality assurance and control
    Production planning and scheduling
    Inventory management
    Cost, price and profitability
    Human resource management and training

    Make sketches; build models where appropriate.

    Write a final report based on this work.

    Student Deliverables:

    1- Project proposal (maximum 2 pages) (due date 19/1)

    2- Project progress report (short power point) (due date 24/1)

    3- Project final report (maximum 25 pages) (due date 30/1)

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