Man’s Search for Meaning

    Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
    Give a BRIEF summary of the book
    •Tell me your opinion.  Did you enjoy it?  Was it well written?  Would you recommend it to others?
    •Focus on ONE psychological disorder discussed (PTSD/Resilience to Trauma) in the book. Typically, this will be the disorder of the main character, but it can be one of a different character (for example, a parent, spouse, etc).  If the author does not name the disorder directly, then tell me what you believe is the probably DSM 5 diagnosis for the charcter.  ◦Do you think this character actually has the disorder the author claims based on DSM 5 criteria?  In your paper, outline the criteria, the patient’s symptoms, and how the symptoms meet the criteria.  If there is information missing, indicate what additional information is needed to make the diagnosis.
    ◦What are the likely causes for this character’s disorder?
    ◦What, if any, treatments were discussed in the book.  Are these effective treatment choices based on the research presented in our book?
    ◦Did the author do a good job portraying the disorder?  Did he or she present an accurate picture?

    •THE ONLY REQUIRED REFERENCE is the book you have chosen to read.

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