MANIC post #3


    Bible: The books of Joshua, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings and 2 Kings (No specific version of the Bible is required.  Students may access these readings online at one of many free, web-based Bible readers or they may use their personal copy of the Bible).

    Other:  A Brief History of the Kings of Israel and Judah AND The Israelite Kingdoms AND The Israelite Monarchy.

    Purpose:  The purpose of the MANIC Posts is to encourage critical and reflective engagement with the learning concepts and resources for the course. 

    Format:  For the assigned readings in each section, students will provide responses to the following prompts:

    (M) Most Important:  What is the most important idea or argument in the assigned reading?

    (A) Agree:  What did you agree with in the assigned reading?

    (N) Not Agree:  What did you disagree with in the assigned reading?

    (I) Interesting:  What did you find interesting in the assigned reading?

    (C) Confusing:  What did you find confusing in the assigned reading?

    For each prompt (M, A, N, I, C), students will prepare a 75-100 word response.  CANT BE LESS THAN 75 WORDS OR MORE THAN 100 FOR EACH LETTER

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