Managing People and Organizations Leadership and Motivation Custom Essay

    I was working with Telecom Company as Senior Director of commerce services for 15 years and currently i am Heading one Branch of Entrepreneur development for SME. The report requirements as per below and addition information will be loaded later on:

    These are the course learning outcomes this assignment is meant to demonstrate.
    CLO 2: Analyze your personality using behavioral concepts for organizational roles as team player, leader, manager, and follower. (Identify how your personality traits and your strengths can help you succeed in the following roles: Identify changes you might adopt to improve your performance in these roles.)

    CLO 7: Analyze your learning from psychological, sociological and anthropological concepts in relation to assessing your role in an organization and the areas of improvement to assist in your career pathway. (Reflect on the concepts you have learned in this course to identify how you can adapt your behaviour to increase your success in the workplace.)

    1. After reflecting on what you have learned from the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, identify one attribute you have that you would like to use more in your work place.
    2. Describe one way this attribute has helped you achieve a goal in the past.
    3. Enlist the help of a colleague in your work place. This must be someone who is not enrolled in the course.
    4. Describe the situation you want to create/ the change you want to make/ the improvement you want to make in your workplace.
    5. Explain how your attribute will help you achieve this.
    6. Describe the outcome you hope to achieve.
    7. Using one of the motivational theories we have studied � explain how this outcome could increase employee motivation.
    8. Create an action plan � with your colleague � or have your colleague give you feedback on your plan.
    9. Execute the plan.
    10. Describe the results.
    11. Write a reflection on the results. In your reflection include information on what worked well with emphasis on any changes you see in employee motivation and describe what you might do differently the next time.

    Marking Rubric
    You have identified your attribute and using it would enhance your contribution in the workplace. You have described one way this attribute has helped you achieve a goal in the past.
    You have clearly described the situation you want to create/ the change you want to make/ the improvement you want to make in your workplace and explained how your attribute will help you achieve this.
    Excellent description how your attribute will help you achieve your goal. You have included additional relevant information.
    You have described the outcome you hope to achieve and used one of the motivational theories we have studied to explain how this outcome could increase employee motivation.
    You have a clear, realistic action plan that takes into consideration your colleague�s comments and you have executed the plan and described the results.
    Your reflection includes information on what worked well, you have described any changes in employee motivation and you explained what you might do differently the next time.
    Your presentation provides all the information from your project in a clear format � PPT, Prezi, or� There are few errors and the presentation is easy to understand.

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