Managing for Competitive Advantage

    Managing for Competitive Advantage

    Assessment details:


    The assignment 1 is a case study – Refer to the case study described on (CASE STUDY -STEVE JOBS MCA file) fined the attached file

    the question to answer in this assignment is: “Was APPLE’s CEO a technocrat?”
    Word Limit: 1000 (+/- 10%) excluding Cover, contents, diagrams, charts, bibliography
    • These 2 textbooks must be used; the chapters which should be used are with the attachment files
    • Lampbel, J. et-al. (2014). The Strategy Process. Concepts, Context, Cases. Pearson. Edinburg. (Chapter 1 pg. 1-20, Chapter 2 pg 28-65 & chapter 3 pg. 65 – 89)
    Please find the attached files for those chapters
    • Paroutis, S. et-al. (2013). Practicing Strategy. Text and Cases. SAGE. London.

    • You must use The Harvard system of referencing. ( please do not try to copy exactly references from any other sources).

    • The lecture notes very important it will show what to write about, especially (IMPORTANT- REVOSION WEEK PowerPoint and lecture 4). Finding them with attachment files
    Module Title Managing For Competitive Advantage
    Assessment Title Case Study Evaluation
    Individual/Group Individual

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