Managing Business Responsibly

    Managing Business Responsibly

    Answer the following question as an essay plan. Your answer should be limited to a maximum of 1500 words and may take the form of bullet-point statements and/or a diagram(s). You should use academic referencing where appropriate.
    This plan will address learning outcomes 3 and 4:(I have up Loaded lectures 3 and 4 including helpful article Please Find in attachment)
    – Challenge the prevailing orthodoxy by focusing upon the role of conversations and language in organising.
    – Apply participative organising styles to practical, change situations.

    Q) Take a maximum of two pages from one of your current business or management textbooks (e.g. something from Strategic Management or similar) and identify the main discourses in the text.

    Discourses (as we are using the term) are ideas that the author presents as taken-for-granted truth(s) and therefore does not fully explain to the reader. Burr’s discussion of the fox-hunting discourses is particularly useful in understanding the term and the online notes should help you to get your plan started (with particular reference to lecture 2 and 3, seminar 2, and chapters 4/8 of Burr). A basic understanding of discourses is very useful in helping us to appreciate the nature of individual truth(s). As business people and managers this can heighten our awareness of the world that other people inhabit, heighten our sensitivity to others, and potentially reduce the likelihood of being involved in unnecessary conflict.




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