Managers Plan, Lead, Organize, and Control. Nehemiah is a great example of this

    1) Managers Plan, Lead, Organize, and Control. Nehemiah is a great example of this.
    For Integration of Faith 1, read the book of Nehemiah. Examine 3 examples of Nehemiah’s planning and organizing ability and compare them to concepts from the textbook. Explain how 1 of these biblical examples could apply to current business practices. Finish by adding your own analysis of the 3 examples you define. This assignment must be at least 500 words, include an APA title page, and reference at least 2 peer-reviewed sources in current APA format.
    **need by 11/13

    2) Continue your review of Nehemiah. Examine 3 examples of Nehemiah’s ability to lead and control. Compare to concepts in the text, and add your own analysis of the characteristics you define. Explain how 1 of these biblical examples could apply to current business practices. This assignment must be at least 500 words, include an APA title page, and reference at least 2 peer-reviewed sources in current APA format.

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