This assignment requires you to write an essay. This assessment task is designed to give each student practice in the following skills:
• library research
• understanding academic articles
• constructing an argument
Weighting: 15%
Length: 1,000 words
Format: Essay
“Managers need to be aware of their strengths and development areas to be successful.” Write an essay that compares and contrasts the arguments and
themes of the following two articles in response to this statement. Then conduct a degree of personal reflection.
Kaplan R S, 2007, ‘What to ask the person in the mirror’, Harvard Business Review. January
Drucker P, 2005 ‘Managing Oneself’, Harvard Business Review, January, pp. 100-109.
You may also draw on material from Units 1 and 2 in the course to assist your analysis of these articles. Do not do any other additional research.
Assessment criteria
Identification and summary of the argument/purpose of the two readings (20%)
Critical analysis (30%)
• the link/relationship between the arguments and key themes of the two articles
• alternative interpretations/arguments
• the assumptions/bias of the authors.
Development of argument (15%)
• communicates clearly the position taken
• is clearly organised and flows logically
• presents relevant academic evidence to support position.
Personal reflection (15%)
in what ways your understanding/thinking has changed having read the two readings.
Essay format (5%)
• A strong introduction explaining what you propose to show. Does the introduction make the reader want to continue reading?
• The body of the essay logically develops your argument, evidence presented is relevant and analysed (not just described).
• A comprehensive and strong conclusion, drawing together the key elements of the paper.
Written expression (5%)
Appropriate and consistent Harvard referencing (including bibliography) (5%)
Presentation including formatting, appropriate length
(1,000 words +/- 10%) (5%)