Managerial factor (factors affecting patients? satisfaction)in patient satisfaction to improve it: Administrative aspect.

    Managerial factor (factors affecting patients? satisfaction)in patient satisfaction to improve it: Administrative aspect.

    What managers need to know to increase patient satisfaction

    I.Introduction: This section includes the following:
    (1) statement of the research problem (purpose of the proposed research project), all the information in the paper must be related to the “statement of the research”.

    (2) specific testable research hypotheses or questions which will be addressed in the proposed research, (Since this paper is a secondary data paper, there will be no Hypotheses)

    (3) Literature Review (which supports the importance/significance of the proposed research) [8 pages only for Literature Review] Add 6 or more subtopics.(literature review, you must synthesize the results of many studies, not repeat the results of one study and use it as your research)

    The Research Proposal must have subtopics in the literature review about the factors such as (time waiting for patients, ????.) have 6 or more subtopics that related to Managerial Aspects in literature review.

    (4) a clear statement of the potential contribution of the proposed research to research knowledge.

    All the data in the first section must be related to the statement of the of the research problem.

    [Section 1 ?Introduction must have 10 pages]

    II. Method: [Section 2 ?Methods 5 pages] ?Method are you own work”

    This section includes a detailed description of the research methods that will be employed. The following areas must be addressed:

    (1) population and sample including the sample selection criteria,

    (2) study design,

    (3) data sources,

    (4) methods of data collection, (What you did)

    (5) study variables (e.g., independent and dependent variables) specified in operational terms,

    (6) analytic methods to be used (make sure to identify the specific statistical procedures and discuss their appropriateness).

    [Section 2 ?Methods must have 5 pages]

    This section should describe how you collected the various articles that are to be used.

    Must address your paper ? not a previously published study.

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