    This project will tie together each of the aspects developed in the course this semester.
    Scenario: You have been given the assignment to research an information system and report back to your manager regarding its possibility for adoption. Analyze the system from this perspective.
    This end-of-term report will be presented to the class. This report will cover one type of information system that is covered this semester. Each of your classmates will report on a different brand name system currently used in business today. You will have the opportunity to learn about many systems in use today and to gain some insight into the system that they have researched.
    Here are some pages in our text that may be helpful:
    Type of Information System Function of Systems/Text Pages
    Sales and Marketing See Page 42-43
    Transaction Processing Systems See Pages 47-48, 72
    Executive Support Systems See Pages 54, 273-278, 297
    Enterprise Systems See Pages 59-61
    Supply Chain Management Systems See Pages 54-55, 72, 277-279, 292, 297
    Customer Relationship Management See Pages 55, 72, 85, 126, 230, 285, 297
    Knowledge Management Systems See Page 55, 72, 347, 363-367
    Project Due Date and Requirements
    • Projects must be word processed.
    • Begin with a cover page that includes the title of your paper, your name, and the date of the report.
    • Use a side heading for each section of the report. This helps me to identify that you have reported on all required topics.
    • Include a minimum of 10 resources that provided you with information about this system. Resources may consist of personal interviews, system documentation, newspaper, magazine, or journal articles, websites, etc. Personal interviews as a resource must include the person’s name, title, company, and date of interview.
    • Documentation supporting your analysis must be cited. Author/date format with a literature cited (bibliography) page is required.
    • Spelling and grammar should be thoroughly checked before submitting your work. Significant points are deducted for spelling/keyboarding and grammatical errors.
    • Reports must be double spaced using a 12-point font and 1″ (inch) side margins.
    • Reports should be a minimum of 5 pages in length NOT including the bibliography pages or appendices.
    • Excel spreadsheets, graphics, and other pictorial presentations will increase the value of your report and are strongly recommended.
    • Do not be tempted to copy and paste information directly from Websites. Doing this without providing proper citation is considered plagiarism and is grounds for receiving a 0 for the assignment and/or being reported for academic misconduct. See Computer Systems Department Academic Integrity Guidelines.
    You must submit to me the name of the system that you will be researching (See Course Outline for Date).
    Creating a Rating Scale
    To create a rating scale for the technology you are researching, begin by determining some number of categories by which you will rate this system. Some example categories are: (1) ease of use, (2) available training, (3) cost effectiveness, (4) availability of customer service, etc. You can add additional categories based on your individual system.
    Once you have the categories, score the system based upon your research. Scores should total 100. You may also use weightings if certain categories weight more or less in our scoring model. You should be able to justify your ratings.

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