Management Fundamentals

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    Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

    Complete the following for this assignment:

    • Describe the fundamental duties of a manager (you can use the Phase 4 resources on the four functions of management).
    • An ethical dilemma is one where there is no clear right or wrong options, just consequences to decisions. Managers are often faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. Understanding how to make ethical decisions is an important skill for all managers. Consider the following:

    o    As a manager, you have inside information on a job opening.

    o    Your friend is a candidate for this job.

    o    All candidates get a brief summary of the job description and requirements.

    o    Because you work for the company, your friend asks you for additional information to help out with the interview process.

    o    You know that you have more information that could help your friend get the job, but this information is not being shared with the other candidates.

    o    Use the Project Management Institute (PMI) guidelines for ethical decision making in your Phase 4 resources, and show how you came up with a final decision (document each of the five steps to show how you made your final decision).

    • Read the first section of the article Strategy in the Global Environment in the Phase 4 resources. Briefly describe why you think it is important for managers to understand the global environment.

    This is the Objective below:

    • Learn the concept of an organization and how it has changed.
    • Explain the role of a manager and the steps in the decision-making process.
    • Identify and diagram the major theories of organizations.

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