Management Course

    Management Course


    •Try to relate you post to the concepts presented in Chapter 14 of your Online Course Resource. Book: ORGB, 3 Edition by Nelson & Quick

    •To earn full credit for this graded Discussion Board:

    ?You must submit your own substantive answer(s) to each of the statements or questions in your initial post.
    ?As this is a Management Course, you must use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, to avoid losing points. "Texting" language ("i," "u," etc.) in a post or response, will lower your grade.
    ?You must reply to the inputs of at least two (2) other students on two (2) different days.(I will provide 2 students posts in message to the writer)

    ?Do not wait until the end of the week, but participate throughout the week (on more than one day) so others may be engaged in the discussion with you. In other words, you and your classmates will get more out of the Discussion Board by posting and engaging sooner, than later in the week.

    ?You must cite all sources as per MLA guidelines, otherwise that’s plagiarism.

    •Use line breaks between paragraphs, as that makes it easier for everyone to read.
    •The best way to avoid formatting problems is to simply turn the Text Editor switch, in the upper right-hand corner of the message composition window to OFF. Do not copy and paste directly from MS-Word, as you will get strange characters and formatting problems. It works much better if you first paste to Windows NotePad, and then copy and paste to Blackboard.
    Respond to the statements/questions below, and provide your response in separate paragraphs:

    (1) Review the section on "The Meaning of Work, starting on page 229 of your Online Course Resource. (Nelson, and Quick 229 – 230) Think about your current job, or a past job; which one of the six patterns define/defined your work at that job? Why? Defend your answer with properly cited material from your Online Course Resource or other academically credible source.

    (2) If you could design the perfect job for yourself, would you prefer the traditional 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM job, or take advantage of telecommuting, job sharing, or flextime? (240 – 241) Why? Defend your answer with properly cited material from your Online Course Resource or other academically credible source.

    (3) Do you believe that technology at work leads to "technostress?" (242) Is there one technology in particular that you believe causes the most stress? Why? Defend your answer with properly cited material from your Online Course Resource or other academically credible source.


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