Management Case Study

    Management Case Study

    Case Study 2

    In order to accommodate increasing numbers of personnel, the hospital that you work at has expanded their cafeteria hours. The cafeteria will now start serving lunch at 11:00am instead of 11:30am and will continue serving until 1:15pm instead of 12:45pm. 
    As day shift charge nurse, you welcome this news as it will enable the unit to have fewer staff off the floor at any given time leaving more staff available at lunch time to assist with the passing of trays and feeding patients. However, you know that some employees probably will not like taking lunch at 11:00am and some will dislike waiting until after 1:00pm. Note that the cafeteria is open from 8am to 10am for breakfast.

    Employees at your facility are entitled to one 20 minute break in the morning, one 30 minute break for lunch, and one 10 minute break in the afternoon. During the short afternoon break, the unit is fairly quiet and the staff used the conference room for their brief respite, but the morning and lunch breaks are times when employees leave the units. 

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