
    Chapter 4 described how the Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*Net) can help employers. The system was also designed to help job seekers. To see if you think this new system meets the goal of promoting “the effective education, training, counseling, and employment needs of the American workforce,” visit O*Net’s website at
    Look up the listing for your current job or dream job. List the skills identified for that job. (You can copy and paste the skills section into the worksheet.) For each skill, evaluate how well your own experiences and abilities enable you to match the job requirements (*I listed mine at the end for you to use just in case you needed it).
    1. Job chosen and reason (current job, dream job, etc):
    My dream job is to be Financial Adviser because…(continue the answer please)
    2. List of skills required for job
    3. Evaluation of how well your own experiences and abilities enable you to match the job requirements. (Do this for each skill)
    4. Does this system meet the goal of promoting “the effective education, training, counseling, and employment needs of the American workforce?” Why or why not?

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