

    Listen to the two video clips carefully. In these video, Jim Collins (co-author of the book ‘Built to last’ and the author of the book ‘Good to Great’) has found in his research that certain companies (such as Southwest Airlines) have been successful without changing in the face of dramatic change throughout the years, whist other pioneering companies such as Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) changed and but yet did not survive.
    Contrary to the above, Jack .F. Welch – former Chairman/CEO of GE made the following statement …..” I am convinced that if the rate of change inside an institution is less than the rate of change outside, the end is in sight”

    Video part 1
    Video part 2

    Learning Outcomes Covered

    • Management of change
    • Organisational design
    • Inter-cultural differences in leadership styles
    • Performance evaluation
    • Conflict resolution
    A change is required when there are
    • Significant changes in ….
    o Competition
    o Technology
    o Social aspects
    o Legal environment
    • Major changes in …
    o PLC & Marketing strategy
    o Top Management
    • Financial crisis / Large turndown
    • Acquisition / Merger

    Critically evaluate the above according to the following criteria.
    1. Critically analyze in depth the above contradicting scenarios and discuss your opinion with relevant facts. (25)
    2. What is critical view and how would you get about “Retaining the discipline of not changing the fundamentals in the presence of a crisis?” (25)
    3. In terms of motivation, how would you look at getting people from ‘good to great’ rather than looking at it in an organizations perspective in relation to the same aspect. Discuss and use relevant theory as required. (25)
    4. Provide an appropriate conclusion of your study pertaining to the contradictions in ‘changing’ in your own words. (25)


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