
    Read each paragraph listed below; make some suggestions to improve the clarity and integrity of the ethical dilemma each person experienced on their job and how they explain how the code of ethics proved valuable.
    Paragraph one
    Ethical Dilemma
    When I worked in childcare I came upon a lot of ethical dilemmas, one that come to mine is when I saw the director getting ready to strike a child. The child would not listen to her which made her angry. She picked up a basket that the child throw at her and started to hit him with it until she notice me standing in the door. I do not know if she stopped because she saw me or because the child was my nephew. My dilemma was if I should report her or just let it slide and pretend I did not see it. It bothered me so I told my sister which is his grandmother and she in turned told his mother, I believed that I did the ethical thing in reporting her to the grandparent so it could be handle and address by the parents. (Flint, Sharon, 2013)
    In decision making emotion and dilemma usually connect such as being mad or not knowing what to do about a situation in an ethically decision making. In defining emotions it is an intense of feelings that is directed toward a person or object that is present in a lot of situations. In study that was done recently, the managerial have found value in emotional information when making decisions in a rational manner. (Krishnakumar, Sukumarakurup 2012) As in the case of the director of the childcare center letting her anger get the best of her when she let her emotion make her decision. There could have been legal charges brought up on her and she could have lost her job. She could have also made time for hitting him if I had not walked in. (Flint, Sharon, 2013)
    Fairness in decision making is usually thought of as something that a person is motivated by because of material things and it can direct them in a social situation. Fairness can be evidence of playing the role of how she felt about the child. This brought conflict between the two because the problem could not be resolved by her retaliating against him. This brought a negative emotional behavior on her part that showed the child that it is okay to retaliate on someone without resolving the problem in a fair way. (Tabibnia, Golnaz, 2008)
    Krishnakumar, Dukumarakurup and Rymoh, Doug (September 1, 2012, Uncomfortable ethical decisions: The role of negative emotions and emotional intelligence in ethical decision making. Vol. 24, Issue 3, pg. 321-344, 24p, Retrieved August 9, 2013, from Business Source Premier Database
    Tabibnia, Golnaz, Satpute, Ajay B. and Lieberman, Matthew, D. (April 1, 2008). The sunny side of fairness: Preference for fairness activates reward circuitry and disregarding unfairness activates self-control circuitry. Vol. 19, Issue 4, pg 339-347, 9p. Retrieved August 9, 2013, from Business Source Premier Data base

    Paragraph Two
    August 7, 2013
    Working for the federal government as a public servant it is very important to uphold the public trust. A code of ethics is very important as it outlines all of the acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors for employees. Even though the code of ethics exists, there are individuals that choose not to abide by the code.
    A former employee that worked for my agency decided to fraudulently file false tax returns for numerous individuals. She and her partner along with other individuals would offer their services of filing taxes for a person. The person was assured that all of their credits, deductions, and refunds were legal. After charging the person a fee, the former employee would file their taxes for them adding in dozens of false credits, and deductions. (Martin, 2013)
    After years of illegal activity, the employee came under investigation, due to her threatening people that refused to pay her fees, and also due to numerous returns being kicked back. She used her position of power against these individuals, letting them know that when they receive their return they were to send her a specified amount of money. When this did not occur, she would send a rescind credit notice to the IRS on their behalf prompting the IRS to demand the money back, and/or causing the individual to be audited. (Martin, 2013)
    Since 2006 she had been involved in tax schemes, and also recruited others to aid in her in the scandal. Over this time period, it is believed that she defrauded the government and taxpayers out of more than 3.1 million dollars. (USAO, 2013)
    Due to the code of ethics that governs employee’s behavior, she has been sentenced to 19 years in jail. Her charges include conspiracy, abusing public trust, filing false tax returns for personal gain, and extortion. She is also ordered to pay $1.7 million in restitution. (USAO, 2013)


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