Management 20

    CompletetheOrganizational Behavior in the Workplaceworksheet.
    Clickthe Assignment Files tabto submit your assignment.
    When completing the assignment please do the following:
    Direct quotationsshould be used sparingly when writing a paper. If a direct quotation is used it should have quotation marks at the beginning and end and a citation with the author year and page/paragraph #. (Smith 2003 p. 1). Every citation must have a reference listed to go with it.
    Paraphrasingmeans taking someone else’s ideas and putting them in your own words. The originator of the ideas must be giving credit. To cite ideas that are paraphrased use the author and the year of publication. (Smith 2003). Every citation must have a reference listed to go with it.
    Here is the correct formatting for the textbook (if you copy and paste it into your paper make sure you change the font size to 12 point and the font style of your paper):
    Kinicki A. & Fugate M. (2016) Organizational behavior: A practical problem solving Approach .New York: McMillian

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