Make Korean traditional cloth, Han-Bok Custom Essay

    ** For reference, I wrote the draft. those are the main idea i have in mind for the final project, so please REFER TO CONTENT.
    Please correct what i have, and add a correctives and other researches if necessary. make 2 full page proposal paper.

    ** DRAFT
    Abstract of proposed project.

    On the final project, I am going to make Korean traditional cloth, Han-Bok. I chose Han-bok as my subject because I am originally from Korea. I thought, using Traditional Korean clothes can express my identity and nationality very well. Originally Han-bok is made with Colorful silk. I got this inspiration from the the reading �Contemporary Korean Art: Tansaekhwa and the urgency of Method� which is one that I need to make a presentation on. On that reading, (Pg.282-4) I found the interest on the materials that Kimsooja used for her �bottari�. Those printed silk is a kind of matrials that korean use for making Han bok. I wanted to make something very Korean but not too traditional, like myself in different culture as Korean and an asian.
    But instead of using silk, I am planning to make it with my everyday clothes that I bought here in the United States.
    I live here wearing modernized clothes in different country away from my home country, Korea. Yet, I am still Korean. Pieces out of my everyday clothes are suggesting a product of various influences and different absorptions of other country which is the US for me, but the shape of myself maintains the same as Korean like I was in Korea before I moved here.
    I will express myself through Han-bok. As being an immigrant, often I am confused about my identity.
    By examining my roots and who I am right now,
    MY final project will be examine the relationship between tradition and modernized life of myself through traditional clothes of my own country.
    This approach is fundamental to my current research on Han-bok and myself because it offers a deeper understanding myself. Studying Hanbok is really useful in this analysis because it act as lenses through which the Korean exile composed my work.

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