Make Diversity Survey questions

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    Prompt for Diversity Survey Paper

    Below are the Diversity Survey questions for gender, sexual identity, and race or ethnicity, and sexual orientation for PS course. “I am seeking to improve these questions”. Here are the constraints I face:
    (1) I need to sort the students into two piles, male and female, so we can check if men and women play public goods games differently consistent with various claims in the literature (which has not yet caught up with the transgender revolution);
    (2) I need to sort the students into about half a dozen racial or ethnic categories so we can check if race or ethnicity makes a difference for the play of the Trust Game consistent with a claim in the literature (according to which the members of a racially or ethnically homogeneous pairing will be more trusting and trustworthy, as compared to the members of a heterogenous pairing).
    (3) For the Jury Verdict on New Jersey v. Dharun Ravi, I’d like to see if students who are gay respond differently than students who are not gay.
    (4) I need to ask the Diversity Survey questions in such a way that different kinds of students don’t get irritated, offended, or alienated.
    (5) For the “gay” question, I’d like to allow a student to respond “don’t want to say.”
    (6) Elsewhere I ask students if they are domestic or international. Is that enough to control for potentially different international student responses, especially on the race or ethnicity question?
    What is your gender? (please answer free-form, maximum 50 characters)

    What is your gender? (please check one)
    neither, both, flexible, undecided, or transitional; please group me with the men in this class
    neither, both, flexible, undecided, or transitional; please group me with the women in this class

    What is your sexual identity? (check one)
    neither, both, flexible, or undecided
    prefer not to disclose

    What is your race or ethnicity? (please answer free-form, maximum 50 characters)

    What is your primary race or ethnicity?
    american indian, alaska native, native hawaiian, pacific islander
    asian, asian american
    black, african american
    hispanic, latino, chicano
    middle eastern
    white, caucasian, european

    Is your identity mixed-race or multi-ethnic?

    On a five-point scale, what is your sexual orientation?

    1 – heterosexual
    3 – bisexual
    5 – homosexual

    Please make a creative, diverse, and concise questions regarding this prompt 🙂

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