Magazine Proposal

    Magazine Proposal

    must create a business plan for a magazine. Submit your business plan “presentation” in a minimum 5-page paper by February 16. Please include answers to the following questions.

    • The concept: In no more than two paragraphs, describe the concept of your magazine—how it
    differs from others now published, and what areas of interest it will cover. How often will the
    magazine be published?

    • Editorial need: Clearly state why your new magazine should be published. (Hint: Be concrete
    and specific. Avoid generic statements such as “The world needs this magazine” or “None of the
    other home magazines covers the field well.”)

    • Editorial content: This contains the nuts and bolts of your plan. List four specific things that
    your magazine will provide to its readers (in-depth interviews, high-quality photographs and so
    on). Then make a list of at least six specific stories that the first issue might contain. Come up
    with actual headlines for each story (such as, “How To Redecorate a Bathroom for Less Than
    $500,” “China: A Far East Adventure”).

    • Reader potential: Answer the following questions:
    1. What is the age group of your target audience?
    2. What are their demographics (how much money do they make, are they married, do they have families, what do they do for a living, what products do they buy, what other magazines do they read)?
    3. How many subscribers/readers realistically do you expect to attract? How soon?
    4. What are the circulation objectives of your magazine for the first three or four years? How will you distribute the magazine? Will it be free, sold on newsstands, by subscription, online or a combination of these? How much will each issue cost on the newsstand? How much is a subscription, either printed or online?

    • Advertising potential: Perhaps the most important item. You need to anticipate primary and
    secondary advertising clients. Who will you approach first? Why should they advertise with you?
    List at least five target ad areas for your magazine (automotive industry, cosmetics, sports
    equipment, alcoholic beverages).

    • Key staffers: Discuss positions needed to make your start-up magazine a successful venture. Include attributes essential for someone serving in each position.

    • Money: How much will you need to make ends meet for the first two years? Factor in salaries,
    printing costs, office expenses, circulation costs, mailing, as well as income from advertising,
    subscriptions, single copy sales. Where will you get that money?

    When you’re done brainstorming,
    Compile all the answers into a written report/paper. To accompany your “presentation,” you might wish to make mock-ups of the cover, the logo, ads, magazine pages or promotional materials to attract readers.



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