madam professor 19

    focus on how the GALC enzyme removes the sugar and the mechanism for that and enzymemutations and whether that changes the structure or folding of the enzyme which then causes the cerebroside to not be recognized anymore or the proper residue isn’t there to interact with galactose.why this process is important and what happens when this reaction doesn’t happen and how that leads to Krabbe disease. It is a power point. so not too much text should be on the slides but you can write the text and all the information you want to talk about it the note area.
    it should be mostly explaining the graphs and charts from the papers. you do not put everything on the slides but what ever you put have a clear and strong discussion for it
    so at first you should talk about GALC enzyme background and its mechanism
    thenDeficiency of the enzyme
    then talk about the mutations and the Krabbe disease
    and then lastly the conclusion
    due in 18 hours
    if anything you need just email me if i can I wil provide it to you

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