macroskills of listening

    Justify applying ofa selected principle or principles of effective teaching and learning to each ofthe four macroskills of listening and
    speaking, reading and writing.
    Due to the importance of using the four macro skills listening, speaking, reading and writing in teaching and learning students, the teacher has to focus on these skills and prepare in advance the lesson plans for each skill. Also, choose an appropriate principle or principles that match with these macro skills achieve the teaching goals. This essay will discuss these four macros
    kill and the principles that will use in teaching them. In listening skill, the focus will be on sufficient and authentic input. Build students’ self-confidence will the principle in teaching speaking. ln teaching reading, students will encourage being strategic through
    learning them to skim and scan the reading text. Helping students to write in a good and accepted way and be familiarwith writing process
    will be one ofthe principles to teach writing.
    Listening is the first skill that people acquire. It is an active process during it the
    listeners make a link between what they hear and what they already know (schema) in orderto understand what they hear easily. According
    to Howatt and Dakin (1974), listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are saying. Rost, 2002 cited in Vandergrift,
    (2002) defines listening, in its broadest sense, “as a process of receiving what the speaker actually says (receptive orientation);
    constructing and representing meaning (constructive orientation); negotiating meaning with the speaker and responding (collaborative
    orientation); and, creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy (transformative orientation)”. This process involves from
    the listenerto do more than one strategies to understand the meaning such as the focus on the speaker accent, vocabulary, pronunciation and
    grammar. Listening is an important skill because people through it can understand the information, the world, human affairs, and what have
    to do in certain situations.
    People do listening according to do something specific they need some information about it to do. During
    listening, people do both bottom- up processing (linguistic knowledge) ortop- down processing (prior knowledge).These are the two processes
    for listening. They are fundamental and they are happening at the same time in natural listening. According to Nunan (1999,200),”the
    Bottom – up processing model assumes that listening is a process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linearfashion, from the
    smallest meaningful units (or phonemes) to complete texts. Whereas, top-down processing refers to that “the listener in actively
    constructing meaning based on expectations, inferences, intentions, and other relevant prior knowledge”. (Richard 8. Renandya, 2002, p.
    Listening is significant in developing language comprehension. ln teaching a language input is an essential skill that learners need
    to acquire any language. Krashen (1985) argues that people acquire language by understanding the linguistic information they hear. To
    teaching listening in classroom, teacher can encourage students to access to authentic input and build their schema. This teacher’s
    principles can be achieved through focusing on some specific procedures and format forteaching listening which involves three main stages
    in a listening activity: pre- listening stage, listening stage and post- listening stage. These stages help learners understand the
    listening process, and achieve the learning goals, improve their listening skill and be a good listener. ln pre- listening activities, the
    teacher can introduce the topic (e.g. telling time) to the learners through giving some information about it and try to ask them some
    questions to check ifthey are familiarwith the topic or not. For example, the teacher may bring a clock and ask students to show him/her
    the time and pronounce it in front of class through repeating the numbers after him/her. The learners will try to activate the prior
    knowledge to make a link between what they know and hear. Also, the teacher can help learners to make predictions on what they will hear.
    Then, the teacher asks them some questions about time to help them interact between each other. In listening exercise, the learners listen
    to the audio and choose the correct answerto each statement. During listening to the audio with teacher’s voice and authentic materials
    refiect students’ culture, the teacher may stop the audio if he/she feels some students are late and restart it if students ready. After
    listening, the teacher and the learner can check and discuss the responses together orthe teacher asks them to make peer- correction. ln
    post listening stage, Students are able to ask and answertime in different ways.
    Another skill closely related to listening skill is
    speaking. It almost the most necessary skill the learners need to acquire to be able to communicate with other. To speak means to give
    output from they already have in their input. Ellis (2003, p. 4) states that, ‘output where the learner is stretched to express messages
    clearly and explicitly”. Giving useful and understandable output, it may be necessary to have communicative competence which plays an
    essential role in helping students in speaking a language. In methodology’ study book (2011, p. 24) points out, “Communicative competence
    is expression, interpretation and negotiating recognized as grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategic competence”. This definition means
    to be able to communicate effectively with other learners, it necessary to be aware of grammar
    Students can have communicative competence
    on their speaking ifthey have self-confidence. Building students’ confidence is an important principle that teacher may use in class to
    help students speak fluently and do not be hesitate during their speaking with others. The teacher can help his/her students to speak,
    interact, share ideas and thinking if he/ she helps them to be confidence. Brown (1994) points out that ” learner’s beliefthat they
    indeed are fully capable of accomplishing a task is at least partially a factor in their eventual success in attaining the task”.
    Self-confidence is related to other important principle which is risk-taking. The teacher can work hard to help students be sure that they
    are able to speak a language and give their opinions. There are many procedures through them the teacher can build students’ confidence to
    speak a language and encourage risk- taking. For example, create an atmosphere in class that encourages students to speak, interact, gives
    responses and be challenges to start speaking a language. Speaking activities may start with simple words and sentences at the beginning to
    give the learner a confidence to speak. Also, teacher’s techniques may start from easierto difficult. This procedure will help the students
    to sustain self-confidence where it already exists and tries to help them to build it where it does not. In addition, students can make a
    small group and give students a topic to discuss and share ideas because there are some students feel shy even when talk with their
    colleagues. This will give students more confident and gives them an opportunity to talk with their colleagues and start saying some
    responses loudly to the teacher. Then and after some time, the teacher can help students to be more active and confidence in class through
    helping them make conversations in front of class. This will enhance their ability to speak with others without shy. Then students will
    speak inside and out the class because they have self-confidence and they believe that they are able to speak with others.
    Reading is a third skill that needs more work from the teacherto help students read. Reading is a difficult and complex skill to teach because learners
    have to interact with what they read and make a relationship with a text to create meaning and make sense of it. According to,” Unlike
    speaking, reading is not something that every individual learns to do”. Also, during reading, learners will make a relation (schema)
    between what they read and the prior knowledge about the topic. Nunan, (1999, p. 257) adds,” reading comprehension is thus an interactive
    process between the reader orthe text, in that the reader is required to fit the clues provided in the text to his to her own background
    knowledge”. People can do reading for different purposes. For example, they read to obtain some useful information about a certain topic,
    to know howto do the task orworks, to know what happened in some places and enjoy themselves.
    The teacher may encourage students to be
    strategic when they read thought helping them to skim the passage orthe article to predict the purpose ofthe topic, the main idea,
    supporting idea and scan to look for a certain piece ofinformation. These strategies for reading comprehension the teacher can use them for
    teaching reading skill. Brown (2001, p. 308) points out, that, ‘the two most valuable reading strategies for learners are skimming and
    scanning”. To help students do these techniques easily, the teacher needs to select appropriate texts that meet students’ needs and
    suitable fortheir levels, varies the goals from reading and design useful reading tasks. Skimming is running quickly through the text to
    obtain a general idea about it. Scanning is looking for a particular piece ofinformation in a text. The teacher can apply these strategies
    easily in class by following some instructions. First, when the teacher starts a new lesson, he/she can give a limited time to students to
    look quickly through the text to build a schema to predict what the text will be about and make a relation between it and their prior
    knowledge. This will help them obtain the meaning ofthe text and have an idea about the lesson before starting. Then, students start
    reading and finding out the purpose, the main idea and to knowthe meaning ofthe text, they can focus on the main interactive processes top
    down and bottom up processing. Afterthat, the teacher may ask them some questions about the text and let the students tell the teacherwhat
    they learned. In addition, to scan some information, the teacher may teach students to scan important information without reading the whole
    text. He/she can ask students to look to a particular piece ofinformation in the passage ortext. For example, find the main characters,
    definitions, key words, dates and what happen in the end ofa story to check ifthey followthese processes or not. Students can be
    strategic in their reading through follow some strategies to be a good reader. Skimming and scanning are important because through them
    students can learn howto read and obtain the important information quickly and accurately.
    write in a good and accepted way and be familiarwith writing processes can be one ofteacher’s principles in teaching writing. This can be
    done through focus on some basic writing steps to support students’writing. Seow in Richard and Renandya (2002, p. 306) points out that”
    process writing as a classroom activity incorporates the four basic writing stages- planning, drafting (writing), revising, (redrafting) and
    editing”. These processes the teacher may use them as a principle forteaching writing skill. To help students able to write affective and
    understandable writing, the teacher can start by encouraging students to think about the topic, collecting some ideas and words about it
    with the help of colleagues. The teacher may help students generate why, when, who, where and how questions about the topic. In drafting
    stage, students start writing the main idea about the topic, the title, think about the supporting ideas and try to make a draft that
    collects all these ideas. In this stage, the teacher may not focus on grammatical accuracy. After students write the first draft, the
    teacher can respond to students’writing in oral or in writing. After responding stage, students start revising and correcting their drafts
    depending on the feedback that obtains from the teacher in responding stage. At the final stage, the teacher may help students preparing the
    final draft and try to edit theirworking. For example, the teacher checks for grammar, spelling, pronunciation, the structure and tense
    with the sentences. By depending on these stages, students’writing will improve and they will be good writers.
    To sum up, the essay was discussed the four macro skills listening, speaking, reading and writing and the principles that were used to teach these macro skills.
    Building students’ schema and help them access to authentic input is an important principle that teacher used to teach listening. ln teaching speaking, building students’ self-confidence and helping them to be able to do the task was discussed. Then, the essay was described how students being strategic in their reading through doing some reading strategy which are skimming and scanning. Helping
    students write in a good and accepted way to be good writers was explained

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