Macro & Micro economics black gold

    Macro & Micro economics
    black gold

    Project description
    Write a one and a half to two page response to the documentary “black gold”. The response papers should be a critical analysis of an aspect of the film – either a response to one of the themes posed in the discussion post on “black gold”, or to another part of the film that interested you. Please do not attempt to discuss all the issues raised in the film, but instead narrow in on one aspect. Please do not summarize the film. The responses will be graded according to how well they critically respond to an aspect of the financial crisis discussed in the film. The expectation is that you will develop a short argument, with a clear thesis, that clearly gives your opinion about a particular topic and substantiates this opinion with information from the film. If you wish, you can also use the other background readings from this section of the class or elsewhere; using additional information is, however, not necessary, and the response should be primarily focused on the film.


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