Macro-environmental Research
1. Give a brief description of the beverage product your project team is considering.
a non-alcoholic beverage for Gen Y’ers and college students who want something fast, affordable, and healthy that supplies them with the energy they need to take on their highly active lives with a healthy jumpstart. We plan on making our beverage with all organic ingredients, like taurine, caffeine, and guarana, and that are healthy and tasteful.
2. Using secondary data (reference pages 102-103) from either Business Source Complete or LexisNexis Academic through the Northeastern Library* find two articles or pieces of research that identify a force or trend in the non-alcoholic beverage industry and one article that talks about GenY buyer behavior in general (what activities do they like most? how do they shop? what are their health habits? – those types of trends. (knowing this is going to help your team communicate with the target better later on) Provide links to the article/data and submit a description for each of the current macro environment trends or forces from the article that are significant to marketers and may have an impact on marketing decisions for your project company. Indicate which of the six forces it is – competitive, demographic, economic, natural, technological, legal, cultural and cite your source. (Example: I may find and an article in Beverage World magazine that indicates a growing trend away from carbonated beverages for specific age groups. This could be both a cultural and demographic trend of significance.)
3. Does your macro-environmental research support the beverage product your team is considering or does the research indicate that you might wish to consider altering it?