Macro-Economic Indicators: GDP, CPI, Unemployment, Interest Rates (ECO 202 Module 3 SLP)

    Think about macro-economic indicators of performance, and how recent changes in these indicators have affected the  performance of your organization.

    How does the change in GDP affect the sales, profitability, expansion plans or competitiveness of your  organization. Or, as another example, has the rise on the national rate of unemployment had any affect on your  organizations’ operational performance or management decisions?
    1. Select three macro-economic indicators that you feel have the greatest impact on the operations and/or  planning for your SLP organization. Remember that an economic indicator measures a change in the general or in a  specific aspect of the economy and and you should be assessing how each macro-economic change you have chosen  affects your company.

    Explain why they are important to the current or future condition of your organization.
    If the Federal Reserve decided to raise interest rates how would this affect your SLP organization? Address  areas such as sales, profitability, ability and cost of using debt to finance investment or other needs.



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