

    1.What does Machiavelli mean by the statement above? Aquinas and Augustine agreed with this premise, but each comes to his own separate conclusion with respect to the role of religion in forming the laws and rights of the state.
    2.What is ultimately Machiavelli?s conclusion with respect to the role of religion in forming and leading the state?
    3.How does his concept of religion fit within the concepts of raison d?tat and realpolitik?
    4.How does Machiavelli?s conclusion differ from Augustine and Aquinas?
    5.In your discussion, cite specific places that Machiavelli discusses this issue, along with specific places from your reading where the discussion is focused on Aquinas and Augustine.

    This is an interpretive essay of excerpts from the primary sources Machiavelli?s Prince and Discourses, along with readings from the secondary sources of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. You will need to stick to interpreting there meaning, and not injecting your own feelings or beliefs into the assignment. No statements such as: ?I think Machiavelli is wrong since I don?t believe this.?
    ?You must cite at least three direct quotes from Machiavelli and cite the specific location in either Discourses or Prince. To do this, you must say if it is in the Prince, and the Chapter it is located, or in the Discourses, it is in Book I and the Chapter where this is in reference.

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