M5 A2 Portfolio

    Assignment 2: Submission Assignment 


    Final Portfolio


    Finally, it's time for you to complete your portfolio!


    Revise and complete your complete portfolio. Take the items listed below and put them in a compressed or zipped folder:


    A completely filled out Portfolio Audit Form

    Your PDF portfolio

    The folder containing your digital website portfolio along with the URL where the site can be viewed live

    At least one sample of a representative project you completed in a previous course

    A 1-page self-reflection report in Microsoft Word to summarize your experience in preparing your website portfolio

    Note: Please keep a local copy of your portfolio as you will need it in IST499.

    Submission Details


    Name the compressed or zipped folder AUO_IST495_M5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.


    Submit your file to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


    Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

    Maximum Points

    Included a completely filled out Portfolio Audit Form.


    Included a completely filled out Portfolio Audit Form.


    Provided the URL where the digital portfolio is hosted.


    Included at least one sample of a representative project completed in a previous course.


    Prepared a 1-page self-reflection report to summarize the experience in preparing a website portfolio.


    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


    Organization (16)

    Usage and Mechanics (16)

    APA Elements (24)

    Style (8)




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