M2A1 2

    Assignment 1: Paraphrasing Discussion
    This is a two-part assignment. First you will use what you learned in theModule 2lectures to practice quoting paraphrasing and formatting in-text citations. Then youwill describe how to efficiently organize a large number of documents.
    Part 1
    Readthis articleand write two paragraphs summarizing its content. (Please be aware that this article does not use APA formatting so do not use it as an example when you are developing your APA-style citations for this assignment.)
    Remember to use APA-style in-text citations where appropriate in each paragraph. The complete reference entry for this article is below.
    Tucker J. & Courts B. (2010). Grade inflation in the college classroom.Foresight: The Journal of Futures Studies Strategic Thinking and Policy12(1) 4553. doi:http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://search.proquest.com/docview/224180072
    A refresher about citing sources is availableon theAcademic Resourcespage underCourse Home.Part 2
    When you have finished your first two paragraphs about the article consider the readings from this module and do the following:
    Your initial response should be at least 150 words. Each of your follow-up responses should be at least 50 words.Respond to your classmates by noting which of the two summaries is more effective and why.
    BySaturday April 1 2017 post your response to the appropriateDiscussion Area. ThroughWednesday April 5 2017 review and comment on at least two peers responses.

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