M2 Response

    Responce Needed for:
    Great research hereJason! You shared ‘The organization is working hard to make sure that it reduces its negative impacts on the environment. It focuses on reducing its fuel emissions which have been aided by the use of the renewable biofuel. The organization uses fuel-saving flight procedures and aircraft performance upgrades which have improved the jet fuel efficiency.’ All of these actions just seem like ‘wise moves’— so I wonder– whyare we looking at sustainable actions as ‘separate’ than our business strategy planning/actions?
    Sidebar: I am presently writing a paper on CSR and motivation and one of the articles I came across in my literature review was too interesting to pass up– check out this perspective and share your thoughts.Claydon J. (2011). A new direction for CSR: The shortcomings of previous CSR models and the rationale for a new model.Social Responsibility Journal7(3) 405-420. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/17471111111154545
    CSR by Claydon Attached:
    Original Posting Below!!
    Sustainability and innovation
    Southwest Airlines
    The organization is working hard to make sure that it reduces its negative impacts on the environment. It focuses on reducing its fuel emissions which have been aided by the use of the renewable biofuel. The organization uses fuel-saving flight procedures and aircraft performance upgrades which have improved the jet fuel efficiency. The company has implemented ground support equipment which has enabled it to reduce its fuel consumption. The organization has managed to recycle the LUV seat instead of throwing them which has enabled it to offer material donations to the society. There was the need for the organization to work towards reducing fuel emissions so as to reduce its negative effects to the atmosphere and environment. Also saving fuel provides more to be used later which leads to reduced expenses and thus increasing its profits (Gabriel 2008). With the reduced fuel emissions and fuel consumption it is clear that the organization has been successful in its procedures.
    American Airlines
    With the aim of attaining sustainability the organization is working towards reducing emissions burning less fuel and reducing its costs. The organization is working on introducing more new aircraft in their fleet and upgrade their engines. The organization is working on installing small vertical additions to the planes wings using one engine for most of the planes reducing weight which needs less fuel and using e-Manuals in the cabins so as to attain paperless cabins. The different innovations are of great value because they enable the organization to focus on protecting the environment. The reduction of costs provides more funds that can be invested in other assets that can lead to the increased levels of profit in the company. Also reduction of emissions attracts more customers which lead to increase in sales (McGuigan Moyer & Harris 2014). It can be concluded that the organization has succeeded based on the fact that the levels of emissions have reduced and the planes are now consuming less fuel.
    Gabriel M. (2008).Visions for a sustainable energy future. Lilburn GA Boca Raton FL: Fairmont Press CRC Press.
    McGuigan J. Moyer R. & Harris F. (2014).Managerial economics : applications strategies and tactics. Australia: Cengage Learning.

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