M1 A2 Assignment 2: DiscussionLeadership Challenges in Todays Environment

    Assignment 2: DiscussionLeadership Challenges in Todays Environment
    There are some who argue that leaders face unprecedented demands as we enter the 21st century. The pace of organizations is faster than ever due to technology advances and impatience in stakeholder groups. There is increased diversity due to globalization. The workforce is more nomadic; few people today spend their entire careers in a single company. This puts a lot of pressure on leaders and may demand new or evolved competencies.
    Using the module readings Argosy University online library resources and the Internet including general organizational sources like theWall Street Journal BusinessWeekorHarvard Business Review research the demands facing 21st century leaders.
    Then respond to the following:
    Write your initial response in 300500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail include citations of all sources where needed according to the APA Style and demonstrate accurate spelling grammar and punctuation

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