
    LP2 Assignment: Financial Statement Presentation

    Directions: You are a manager for a large public  delivery transportation company. Your employees are accounting clerks or  technicians and not professional accountant. They all perform a  specific but separate function in the department’s payment process. You  have been mandated by the executive director of your company to provide  training to your employees to broaden their understanding of how their  jobs play a role in creating the financial statements.


    1. Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains each of the following financial statement:  
      1. Balance Sheet
      2. Income Statement
      3. Cash Flow Statement
      4. Financial Ratios
    2. HINT: A slide should contain enough information to understand the  focus of the subject. However, you should avoid long (no more than 7 or 8  words) sentences and under no circumstances should you put a paragraph  on your slide. Instead, utilize the NOTES section. Your notes should  explain what is going on the slide. You can think of the notes as your  cue cards or script. Think about what you would say if you were actually  giving the presentation and put that in your notes section. This  information is a major part of your grade. You can also add audio to the  PowerPoint. but if you do, we recommend that you turn it into a video  and put it on Youtube, as the file size may get too large to fit in  the dropbox or a D2L email.
    3. Include in-text citations and a reference page in APA format.  Your  presentation should be no less than 12 and no more than 15 slides not  including the title and reference page.  Use 2 scholarly cited courses.


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