Love is merely a madness and deserves a dark house and a whip as madman do”

                This assignment requires you to research and write an original 2-page paper based on a topic assigned to you by your TA. The paper should be written according to APA style and the body of the paper has to be at least two typed, double-spaced pages in length (printed in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins). That means your research paper should be comprised of 2 pages of text not counting the title page, graphs, tables, or references. Part of your grade will be based on how well you follow these guidelines.

    As you write your research paper, keep in mind that this is a psychology course, therefore, the topic that you are given needs to involve some of the discussions and readings that we have had during the semester. The topics all have been “custom-made” for you, based on my infallible intuition about you. Beyond that, I am looking for evidence of your incredible ingenuity that I will use as the main yardstick to evaluate your creation. Good luck!

    TOPIC: ________________________________________________________________

    FINAL DUE DATE: _____________________________________________________

    Research Paper Requirements

     (5 pts.)            Your paper must follow APA Format, including an appropriate title page, references page, and proper citations throughout the document. Your paper must also be written with good spelling and grammar, and follow the guidelines regarding length and format.
     (10 pts.)          Your paper must include at least 5 References (these should be cited in the body of the paper). At least 3 References must be from scholarly journals. The other 2 Referencesmust originate from published materials, such as books, magazines, or newspapers – NOT information only found on a website! You may use your textbook as a reference, but it does NOT count as one of your 5 required references!
    (15 pts.)           Your paper must provide an insightful and critical discussion of your topic based on current research and theories in psychology!!

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