
    Upgrading Slums

    · Most people living in the slums are high school and college dropouts who have failed to secure excellent working opportunities. Examining the slums one can identify that it has been populated by people whose chances to obtain excellent improvements have been dimmed (Bianchi et al., 2021). Slums are overpopulated and the living conditions are purely unhygienic for human survival. The slum population is growing because of the poor economic stability affecting the residents. Los Angeles is rapidly developing in the urban sector.

    · However, the disparity between the economic systems means that the slum ratio will also rise. Necessary improvement measures should be taken on the slum residents. They have to be given equal and significant opportunities to improve their living conditions (Dupere et al., 2021). Moreover, the slum residents need an improvement as the primary way to have a stable economy in Los Angeles. The report examines how slum residents are affected and the improvement measures for their living conditions.

    Research Questions

    1. What are some of the challenges experienced by slum residents in receiving beneficial education?

    2. What challenges have been introduced by urbanization that have negatively affected the slum residents?

    3. How beneficial is reducing college pricing beneficial for the slum resident high school and college dropouts?

    4. What are the roles played by family and friends in improving the slum resident lives?

    5. Challenges faced by students living in poverty which increases their high school and college dropout levels?

    Literature Review

    · Challenges experienced by slum residents in obtaining beneficial education

    · Slum residents are living under high poverty rates and cannot afford to pay for the needed education (Dynarski et al., 2021). Most of the schools attended by slum residents are under poor conditions since they lack necessary resources to enhance the education quality. Therefore, most slum residents are forced to drop out either in college or high school levels because the education cannot guarantee them excellent future opportunities.

    · The Los Angeles government has focused on improving urban education and showing minimal efforts for slum resident education. Lack of incentives has further deteriorated education in the slum areas (Glaeser, 2020). Therefore, most of the children are born and raised in slums with no hope of eliminating poverty. Most residents barely have an education or have minimal resources to cater for the tuition charges. The school drop-out levels has become a culture to the slum residents.

    · Challenges introduced by urbanization to the slum residents

    · Urbanization was introduced to make significant improvements and changes on the livelihood. Urbanization has caused an increase in the economic rates (Silva-laya, 2020). The living rates have been increased and that has become a major problem to the slum residents. For instance, prices for essential items have been increased and most people have shifted from the urban areas to the rural levels. Only those with high education levels have skills needed in securing chances in the urbanized cities.

    · Additionally, urbanization has forced overcrowding in the already poor conditions in the slum areas. Slum residents have limited opportunities and depend on menial jobs to cater for essentials like food and house rent (Bianchi et al., 2021). Most of the money obtained from the menial jobs cannot be enough to cater college and high school fees. Most of such students drop out to look for work opportunities that would help in sustainability. Without major improvements on the slum residents, school dropping out would transform into a norm where the learners adapt to live in poverty.

    · Benefits of reducing college pricing on the slum resident students

    · Students from the slum residents are already suffering from high poverty levels which has a negative impact on their education. The government should examine that student group and develop excellent mechanisms that would help in ensuring they have received beneficial education (Dupere et al., 2021). For instance, equality should be created between the low income and high income students. Most of the low income students miss chances to join excellent schools because of the biases during the allocation period. a low income student should be given equal opportunities to receive beneficial education that would help secure the future.

    · Additionally, college fees should be reduced and a free education program should be introduced for the slum resident high school and college students (Dynarrski et al., 2021). That is an excellent mechanism because it is aimed at minimizing dropping out chances. The major objective is ensuring that learners have enough resources that would help them move past the poverty levels.

    · Challenges faced by slum students that causes an increase in the college and high school dropout population

    · The huge gap between the income classes levels contribute in discrimination of the low income students. For instance, most slum resident students are discriminated against because of their inability to access the necessary resources (Glaeser, 2020). Adding with the constant lack of fees lowers their self-esteem and the morale to read and develop a better future. For some reason, such students will drop out to look for menial jobs and support their needs.

    · Additionally, high school and college places an individual under intense pressure to fit in with the current trends. A student from the slum residence feels pressured to stay updated with the social trends. Therefore, many of such students capitalize on the lack of resources for school and fulfilling the peer pressure to drop out. Some students might indulge in drugs and substance abuse but they will drop out and adapt to the poverty life they have been accustomed to (Silva-laya, 2020). It is quite unfortunate that the students have to undergo that type of pressure because of an inequality which can be solved by the Los Angeles government. More efforts are dedicated to introducing new trends that would further affect the slum resident people since they have no voice to communicate about their challenges or desire to witness life improvements.

    Theoretical Frameworks

    A. The theoretical framework I have selected for the study is redistribution with growth as the primary way to improve the slum situation. Major actions should be taken to ensure that slums have been eliminated. The theoretical framework includes activities like housing programs (Bianchi et al., 2021). The slum residents need to be relocated in better housing and accommodation away from their immediate environment. Significant measures like reducing college fees should be incorporated because it is the best way in which college and high school dropout will be minimized. The selected framework is expected to offer long term solutions to the identified challenges. Various resources should be incorporated to ensure that the slum residence has been eliminated primarily purposely for life improvement and providing equal opportunities to securing high end job opportunities.

    B. The theoretical framework is essential in the research since it governs the study development. The research will be based around ensuring that the theoretical framework has been addressed by every mentioned aspect (Dupere et al., 2021). Theoretical framework strives to develop a connection between all the variables presented by the research and indicates how both aspects will be closely related. The strategy used in selecting the theoretical framework is examining the background analysis and developing a proportionate concept.

    C. The theoretical framework will be incorporated in the research through data collection where sample questions are developed to show specific variables that should be denoted from the provided data (Dynarski et al., 2021). Theoretical framework will be incorporated through development of survey questions and interviews. The major objective is to obtain an anticipated response.

    Positionality Statement

    · Los Angeles has the highest number of slum residents and most of them are high school and college dropouts. Poverty has been a system adopted by the slum residents because they have no opportunities working in their favor that would ensure their improvement.

    · The best focus should be about ensuring that necessary improvements have been introduced in the slum regions.

    · The improvement measures are beneficial because students will have chances at beneficial education and have necessary supporting resources.

    · The main objective should be eliminating the slum regions to provide the people with better housing structures and living conditions.

    Research Design

    1. The best research for the study is experimental design where the cause and effects of slum residence is examined. The participants living within the slums will be selected to help examine causes of the poverty levels. Comprehending the root problems will help in accumulating the data on why students drop from colleges and high schools (Glaeser, 2020). The variables would be examined on changes that would be experienced suppose the slum resident’s livelihood is improved. The major objective is to analyze whether school dropout would be a prominent factor. Experimental design ensures that enough data has been collected from the targeted population.

    2. Participant recruitments is focused on selecting people from residing in the slums. They have a first hand in experiencing poverty and they have the best answers for the provided questions (Silva-laya, 2020). For instance, participants for the research will be high school and college dropouts residing in the slums. They should volunteer to provide the needed data for the research. The students will explain how residing in slums has affected their life opportunities in escaping poverty. They will state some of the improvements that should be done in the slums that would ensure they have improved living standards.

    Data collection measures

    The major data which should be collected is the challenges experienced by the slum residents. The questions should be centered on all the struggles faced and why most students are forced to drop out of schools where they reach the college levels. Their opinion should be included where they communicate about some of the improvements that should be done on the slum residences and extended to their education opportunities.

    1. Interviews is the first data collection technique that should be used in retrieving data from the respondents (Bianchi et al., 2021). A question list would be developed in which they are questioned and their responses are recorded and would be used as the research data. That is an excellent mechanism because interviews develop an interaction and the respondents will open up about challenges experienced while living in the slums.

    2. Questionnaires is another data collection measure that would be used in collecting information from the participants. Some of the participants like their information to be concealed. The questionnaire provides privacy for the respondents as they provide their experiences in living within the slums (Dupere et al., 2021). Questionnaire is effective because the students will have an expression platform and provide significant data more than it would have been given in a formal interview without their identities hidden.

    Empirical strategy

    1. How to analyze interview data

    I will analyze the interview data through transcription and ensuring that I read through the transcription scripts to obtain meaningful data. I will ensure that I highlight the key information that will be translated and incorporated into the study. It means that I should use digital devices during the interview to ensure that all of the provided information has been recorded (Dynarski et al., 2021). The audio should be translated to a transcript which can be read to examine all the points. However, reading through the transcript can be quite time consuming especially if the interview was held for a long duration.

    Additionally, I can analyze the interview information through developing codes that would identify key phrases for the essential data. For instance, the annotation will help in identifying reasons why slum residents drop out of the learning institutions (Glaeser, 2020). The codes will help develop an excellent pattern and it will be corrected later after the major key points have been examined. I will develop a segment in which I will categorize the data. That is an excellent strategy since it will facilitate separation of the key phrases from the bias in the recorded information.

    2. Survey data from the questionnaire can be analyzed through transferring the information to the excel documents. Excel helps in segmenting the information to different parts. The major benefits of using excel documents is because of its easy interpretation of the information (Silva-laya, 2020). Findings should be used in ensuring that enough information has been deducted for the research. Survey data can be translated to numerical form and the necessary data speculations will be achieved. The major objective is to ensure that raw data has been translated to meaningful results which will be included in the research for accurate information.


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