Logistics Distribution

    Coke specific project loading operations with a warehouse layout based on a forklift driver going up and down the lines (warehouse space) based on how a particular order is printed in the ticket. Identified that if we can set up the product line up within the warehouse space we can minimize time traveled, over handling of cases and maximize floor space to quote mainstream and our system to maximize order filling hence improve customer satisfaction/service. We can focus on timing studies to see how can cut back on time spent driving up and down instead of having a continuous flow on the warehouse floor plan. Calculate how long it takes to complete an order versus timing a driver just driving one straight line. We will have to incorporate two different times, driving time and loading time into our analysis but we should see vast improvements

    Q1: Will changing the current design of warehouse space improve efficiency?
    a. What is the current efficiency of a forklift route? (number of cases/driving time + loading time)
    b. Can the efficiency be increased by redesigning the workflow? (number of cases/driving time + loading time)

    Create diagram of the current warehouse; obtain example loading/picking tickets; time current system
    Look for studies on timing, warehouse efficiency, loading efficiency


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