logical flow of information

    Article: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120607180058.htm


    Should be 1000-1200 words NOT including references. Your paper should be well written, organized and demonstrate a logical flow of information. It should also be spell checked and grammatically correct.

    Your critique should contain all of the following information:

    1. Introduction: Formal papers contain general introductions that transition the reader into your paper and the topics that are going to be discussed. This should be brief (only 2-3 sentences).

    2. Background Information: Be sure to include: Background information including basic information on the topic. For example, if your article describes a study about tuberculosis, you should include a description of the disease as well as a description of the microbe that causes the disease. This should provide enough background information to give us an idea of why this research is important. Remember in-text citations.

    3. Article study summary & discussion of the science. Be sure to include the goal of the study and a detailed summary of the experiments done (include things such as sample size, length of experiments, dosages, etc.). This should be detailed enough that the reader knows exactly what was done without having to read the article. Include a brief summary of the findings of the study and why they are important. Discuss conclusions of the study.

    4. Your opinion: Critique the experiment, some things to consider include: Were there good controls? Why or why not? Sample size too small or biased? Conclusions not supported by experimental evidence? Will this study apply to the general population? If you find no faults, justify your reasons.

    5. Real-World Application/Conclusion: Include your own thoughts and opinions on the topic. Relate the points/conclusions of the article to another issue in YOUR everyday life and/or to work you have completed in class. Be sure to make your contributions clear, such as “I believe…, I think…., etc.”

    6. Citations. Cite all your references using APA format. Include in text citations.

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