literature review


    Is there strong evidence for developmental continuity in childhood disorders? Choose one disorder(Onset of conduct disorder) and interpret the evidence using the literature.

    Definite do’s:
    1. Conduct disorder
    2. Use of 15-20 studies/papers for the purpose of review.
    3. Font size 12,APA REFERENCES,Times roman font.
    4. 5000 words excluding the referencing in the end.
    5. In the introduction of the topic set out the aims of the review then a paragraph detailing the methods used for choosing the papers: your search terms and inclusion criteria Onset of conduct disorder. Adolescent as well as childhood onset with relation to the question i.e. developmental continuity.(multifinality/equifinality) focusing on the gender differences in the onset and gender differences comorbid with anti social behaviours and not substance abuse or other psychological disorders.
    6. The argument will follow the path of social and enviromental factors of the inclusion criteras and will also shortly acknowledge the genetic and biological aspects of the same.

    7. Evaluate each study in detail outlining the methods results and implication followed by evaluation of the whole story indicating a stance and leading to an argument and a take home message.
    8. Subheading may not be used. Also a title for the paper is required in line with the disorder and the specific area chosen.
    9. Inclusion criteria: conduct disorder,specifically onset of conduct disorder and specifically anti social behavior and gender differences (environmental and social factors) in children and adolescent with conduct disorder in accordance with multifinality and equifinality.

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