Limited War Strategy

    Limited War Strategy

    analytical essay of at least 750 of your own words addressing the topic. This course uses what many would consider an unusual choice for
    a textbook: a graphic history rather than a conventional history
    text. For this research blog I want you to analyze some of the
    differences between how a conventional history and a graphic
    history present the past. Part II of Zimmerman’s book examines
    the 1965-1967 period, during which American involvement in
    fighting the war escalated dramatically. This same time period is
    covered in chapter 6 of George Moss’s conventional textbook
    Vietnam: An American Ordeal (you can download the pdf of this
    chapter in the Unit 2 material). Your task is to compare how
    these two present that period of time, and then to reflect on the
    larger question of how graphic and conventional histories present
    the past in general.
    Here are some questions to help guide your analysis:
    1. What are the main themes that each book presents in its
    treatment of the 1965-67 period? What differences do you
    see in emphasis in each?
    2. What specific episodes or examples does each book use
    to illustrate or present these main themes? Which are most
    effective? Do you think Zimmerman chose any of these because they could be depicted better with images?
    3. How would you contrast the writing styles of the two
    authors? Does Zimmerman’s shorter text lose something in
    comparison to Moss’s longer account?
    4. What about the graphic elements? How effective are the
    illustrations? What impact, if any, does Zimmerman’s use
    of bold face for some words and phrases have? What other
    visual elements influence your understanding of this
    5. Based on these comparisons, what in general are the
    strengths and weaknesses of conventional and graphic
    histories’ way of presenting the past?


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