Limited of Access to Mental Health Services in Sacramento, CA

    Limited of Access to Mental Health Services in Sacramento, CA

    Pages / words

    8 / 2200

    Language style why both working very slowly and why we are not able to export the posts

    Academic paper writing

    Academic level

    Senior (College 4th year)



    Paper format


    Mental illness and access to mental health 
    incidence of mental illness in the last 5 years
    available programs for mental health — in random population— first line of treatment that is available — private and government programs
    accessibility to the programs 
    How many people actually seek help and get treatment available
    identifying the problems 
    interventions to fix the gap — awareness
    focus on — depression
    Links I would prefer to be used as sources:–Data-Notebook-2015-Sacramento-County-response.pdf
    I also uploaded a rubric to follow off of, as well as a pdf of more information and statistics to be used in the paper, hope this helps!
    Please also include a Reference page in APA format, as well as the in text citations in APA format.

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