Lighting key

    Film 101 : Paper Topic
    All papers should present a clear, precise interpretive position that is developed by an analysis of various scenes employing the technical terminology we have discussed in class.
    The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages/ double spaced and should be handed in on the due date at the beginning of class.
    1. Discuss the theme and the visual style of one film we’ve seen in class in its entirety. Present your interpretation of the theme of the film. Analyze its mise-en scene and explain how it supports the film’s themes. It might help to analyze three scenes in the film to support your interpretation. Do not include film synopsis, director’s bio and quotes from other film essays or books. I’m interested in your words and your analysis. Do not use any second sources.
    Mise en scene
    A systematic mise en scene analysis of any given shot includes the following elements:
    1. Dominant- where is our eye attracted first? Why ?
    2. Lighting key- High key? Low key? High contrast? Some combination of these?
    3. Shot and camera proxemics- what type of shot? How far away is the camera from the action?
    4. Angle- are we (and the camera) looking up or down on the subject? Or is the camera neutral (eye level)?
    5. Color values- What is the dominant color? Are there contrasting foils? Is there color symbolism?
    6. Subsidiary contrasts-where does the eye go after taking in the dominant?
    7. Form- Open or closed? Does the image suggest a window that arbitrarily isolates a fragment of the scene? Or a stage, in which the visual elements are carefully arranged and held in balance?
    8. Framing- Tight or loose? Do the characters have no room to move around, or can they move freely without impediments?
    9. Depth- On how many planes is the image composed? Does the background or foreground comment in any way on the midground?
    10. Character placement- what part of the framed space so the characters occupy? Center? Top? Bottom? Edges? Why?
    11. Staging positions- How much space is there between the characters? Is it an intimate, personal, social or formal relationship?


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